“Dare to Believe” by Boyce Avenue

“Dare to Believe” by Boyce Avenue can be considered a remix in the sense that it is an original composition that uses video taken from various news networks, and stitches them together to create a music video.

The video footage taken from the news networks are from various tragedies or disasters that have occurred.  The video doesn’t essentially change the meaning of the remixed content, but rather strengthens it to intensify the feeling that the viewer may have felt seeing the original footage unaltered.  However, at the same time it is possible that the original content that is laid over the original footage could instill a sense of hope rather than a feeling of desperation.

The footage is cut out at various points in length.  This is done to show the vast amount of tragedy that has occurred in such a short amount of time.  In addition to being cut out in length the content is missing audio at certain points throughout the video so that the creator can overlay their own message over the footage.  The creator does incorporate the original audio from the footage into the newly made music video.  This works well with the message that both creations are trying to instill in the viewer.

The remix of the footage does introduce the original content to a new demographic and audience than may have been originally intended.  Where as the news network footage may have been intended for middle-aged and older audiences the new content created from the footage seems to be aimed more towards young adult and teenage populous.

Though many may look at this creation as just another song it is easy to see that there is an underlying message that is intended to be understood by the viewer.  This is remix is done well in both the addition of new content laid over top the original footage.

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