Sports video proposal

After looking at the different websites for source video I was inspired by the sports related video. Being an athlete, I’ve always enjoyed watching, attending and most importantly playing numerous different sports. Not only does the action captivate me but the risk and danger of professional sports in particular has always left a lasting impression. I feel as though the public views professional athletes as people who are rich for no reason, or have little to show for their wealth. But I tend to see this culture very differently.

Looking over these source files I saw many action based sports clips that grabbed my attention. I intend to use these as the basis of my project. But what I want to focus on is the risk and danger presented daily in these athletes “work.” Starting off with impressive plays and combinations I want to introduce the glorified side of the profession and let viewers be comfortable with my main ideas. But then I want to mix in certain sports accidents, wipe outs, tackles, illegal conduct and dangerous play. I will keep a consecutive order and only show the clips featuring the “risk and danger” for a sport after showing the clips featuring the “glorified actions” of that same sport. This will show the differentiation and the shocking truth of a sport that I’m trying to uncover quite clearly.

I’m not exactly positive what sports I will be including because it fully depends on what material I am able to find. That being said, I would like to focus on football for the effects on the head from tackling, soccer for the effects on the legs from tackling, race car driving for the effects on the entire body from crashing, and finally hockey for the effects on the entire body from both hits and fighting involved in the sport.

2 thoughts on “Sports video proposal

  1. Daraujo

    As a sports fan myself I am interested to see how you portray the transition between the glorification of athletes and the risk that they take in partaking in their individual sports. I’m curious to know what kind of audio you will use in your project. Perhaps speeches that athletes gave when they accomplished a goal for the glorification part and the news report coverage of an athletic accident for the risk part.

  2. Lassy

    I really like your idea and feel this is something sports teams could really get behind. I know many people enjoy watching people make impressive plays repeatedly in video clips but we never see what they do behind the scenes to get that good at their sport. I think we don’t give these athletes the credit they deserve for all the hard work the put into it. I think your video will do a good job to show people what else goes into it besides just the flashy plays they make.

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