Shower Image

For the collected sound that I decided to use was the shower sound. The sound simply consists of a shower going off in a steady stream. For a scene that I could imagine this sound being apart of would be a hot metal object being submerged in cold water or snow, resulting in a sizzling type of sound. This could be apart of a really dramatic scene that is set during the turn of the century when branding was still a popular practice. The scene could consist of a brander going to brand a horse or some sort of animal. And as the the brander goes in to brand the horse, a really intense animal activist, which aren’t highly popular at the time, comes bursting through the doors and begins fighting with the brander. They begin fighting and it gets really intense. Meanwhile, there is snow outside. As the fight begins to escalate, they push through the doors and end up outside. While the fighting is in progress, the branding iron is in the hand of the brander who tries to brand the animal activist. Once they hit outside, the animal activist ends up flipping the branding iron out of the brander’s hand and it goes flying into the snow. This creates a sizzling sound, aka the shower. Throughout the scene, there is screaming and some exchanging of words. Also, there is really dramatic music playing in the background to balance out with the other sounds of fighting. Majority of the sounds throughout the scene consist of shuffling, the sound of metal banging, a fire, and screeching sounds. I think the shower sound would compliment the sound of the hot iron spinning into the air and landing in the snow.

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