Microwave Sound

While going through the collected sounds in the box folder, I heard the microwave, the low humming while it cooks, and the beep that signifies the food is ready. In my mind i could see the light shining on the turn table inside the microwave through the grainy glass door. I thought about what I would be taking out of there on a daily basis after i heard the beep. Could I hear the food making any sounds inside? If it was popcorn or water boiling maybe I would hear it. As my brain followed this train of thought, A scene was quickly  forming around the sounds.

Am i making breakfast, or dinner? Am  I following a recipe, or making it by memory? I thought about other sounds I would hear in the kitchen, and I thought of eggs being whisked with milk, salt and pepper. Breakfast is my favorite meal, and it seems that I was imagining making scrambled eggs with toast, and maybe a cup of tea.

I’m in my small apartment kitchen. I take melted butter out of the beeping microwave. I turn on the electric kettle with a click. I crack two eggs into a bowl that i pulled out of the cabinet. I pour milk into the bowl and grind some fresh salt and pepper. I turn on the gas stove and place a pan over the flames. I scoop in some melted butter and it begins to sizzle. I place the bread in the toaster and set it for three minutes which starts a rhythmic ticking. In the background the kettle is making a whooshing sound that increases in volume as it heats the water.  I pour the eggs into the buttered pan and it sizzles until the eggs cover the bottom of the pan. I begin to stir, hearing the scraping of the spatula on the pan. The water is done and it makes i final howl and click off. I get a cup out of the cabinet and pour the hot water. Then i hear the ripping of a tea bag and a plop into the water. The toaster dings and i scrape some softened butter over the top. I go back to the stove and scrape the eggs into my plate, pick up my tea and sit down to start eating.

I will be able to build these sounds upon one another to make a common scene in my kitchen.

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