Audio Preview: City

For my preview, I’ve attached a clip of approximately 30 seconds of my soundscape. This clip is most likely going to be the very beginning of my soundscape. This clip consists of four layers of sound: 3 layers of city noises, and 1 keyboard typing noise. My soundscape is going to be set in a city and I’m going to have noises of a city subtly in the background during the whole duration of my soundscape. The premise of my soundscape is to incorporate both city noises and technological noises to create a stressful mood. Through this preview I’m attempting to create the environment of someone sitting their room in a city and frantically typing something.

After this moment, I’m going to include text message noises and the sound of someone texting on a phone. Then, I’m going to have a phone ring and go to voicemail after a few rings. After that someone’s going to knock on the door, and the main character of my soundscape is going to answer it. The person knocking (the main character’s friend) is going to ask the main character to hangout and the main character is going to say that they can’t because they have a huge paper due. I think the premise of my whole soundscape is just going to be someone attempting to write a paper and being really stressed out and facing many temptations that hinder them from successfully doing what they need to do. I know it’s a simple concept, but I want to focus more on making my sounds seem realistic than focusing on a really complicated plot.

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