Jazz and Juvie

When I think of the Hill District, I think of crime. I don’t think of the rich history of Jazz and “happenins”, but I think, “well to get to the Strip District, I have to go through this boarded up community that I wouldn’t send my cop-uncle through alone at night.” Type the Hill District into google News, and you you’ll find mixed articles about arrests and celebrating the culture of the Hill district, when it was the vibrant place it was, today. What our group discussed was “revamping the Hill District,” which in itself is an extremely broad idea. The first step to making a place desirable to go to though, is it make it safe. Our team has decided that we would like to build a campaign to ramp up safety in the hill district, starting with safety kiosks. These are just like the one you see in South Oakland, which can be pressed to alert authorities you need help if you feel unsafe. We aim to build a website for this as well as make a video or soundscape, something that drives patrons to the website to feel the need to contribute to this cause. We would use the old artistic appeal of the Hill District, mostly its Jazz scene, as a goal to move towards. But with the modern age, comes modern twists. Maybe the Hill district isn’t a Jazz scene, but the next Hip-Hop, soul, house music, or movie hub. The Hill District has the historic appeal, and I think it could sell itself in that regard, it just needs to be made safe first.

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