Revamping the Hill District

I’m in the group who had the topic of revamping the Hills District. Starting out, I didn’t know too much about the Hill District except that it was a part of Pittsburgh which had been on the economic decline for a while now. After looking into the Hills District a little further, it turns out that this economic decline is due to the Civic Arena being built there, which ultimately cut off ties from surrounding areas. And this led to residents leaving and businesses being closed down. I personally think the Hill District has an interesting history that deserves to be told, and I think part of our group’s plan can be to find a way to tell that movie.

Some ideas I had were maybe to do a small film portion where shots of the Hill District could be taken while audio of our group talking about its history could be going on. We can discuss how it got like that to inform an audience, and explain where we want it to go. It would be a mini-documentary sort of thing. Also, as far as scaling this project out, I think it works well for the topic we have chosen. Part of revamping the Hills District would be a lot of community projects and outreach events and stuff like that, so a potential idea for scaling out would be writing “proposals” to submit to local government to get events approved. These events could actually help in turning around the Hill District.

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