twine reflection

Of all the projects this was my favorite because I understood for the most part what I was supposed to be doing. I liked this project because I was able to show my awkward, mildly creative, imaginative side which I have not really been able to do with the other projects in the past. I enjoyed this project because it was really easy to learn how to use the program. The only big problem was learning how to code which was a big part of the project but I think I probably did alright with it. I think once I figured out how to do the coding it was very easy to do because all I had to do was copy and paste the coding to the pages I wanted coded (which was most of them). Since I only needed certain pages coded I think the coding would have been a lot more difficult for me had I not been able to just put it at the bottom of each page.  Something I was very excited about was learning how to move the slides around. This made the production so much easier since everything was not just all cluttered up and making it difficult to see what was where. I think of all the projects we have done this year this one was my favorite. Unlike the other ones I did not need very much direction to compete this project and it was much easier to understand how to create the project. The whole software system, I believe, was easier to use than any of the adobe software we used. This was also a lot less frustrating. I think the worst part of the whole project (besides the coding) would probably have to be… if I wanted to make a new thread to an already existing thread I did not know how to make the new thread. Going along with that I had a lot of difficulty if I, say, made three slides off one another and wanted to take them back to the original one they came off of, I did not know how to get them back to the original without going through all of the threads. (I think this is understandable but I apologize if it is not. I am not up to date on my computer terms.) At times this was very frustrating because I would have to try and fit the link word somewhere into my thread and sometimes they were very difficult words to fit into the sentence. Besides the coding (which I recently found out I failed at miserably) I think I did pretty well on this project, especially compared to the other projects we have done. I think of all the projects this was definitely my favorite. Oh yes and before I forget, this is fairly important, I did not finish my project and by that I mean I did not give my project any kind of end point because I am going to finish it for my final project. It will have actual colors, and maybe pictures and mostly everyone will die at the end or maybe go off to school…whatever, I’m still thinking of how to end it. It will be cool though. I will also try to put sound in it. I think the coding I did use made my project a lot less confusing as long as I explained to people what the colorful background was there for. At least I hope it did because that it what I was going for with it.

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