Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I plan on working with audio. Last time I worked with this medium, I really dropped the ball. I wanted to create a scary story using sounds but only ended up creating a hodge-podge of craziness—it was almost impossible to really understand what was going on. Overall it was a failure. I want to redeem myself by trying to redo this project in a way that would work better.

I plan to keep my original idea of a scary story. This time, however, instead of relying just on the sounds of the setting to tell the story, I think I will use narration. Then I will supplement my narration with scary sounds. I am still debating whether or not to tell the same story I tried before (which I think could be really interesting, especially if I were to compare the two versions at the end) or if I should scratch that idea and make up a new story. Feedback on this would be appreciated.

I plan to structure this remake into a podcast. Something Welcome to the Nightvale inspired. I think I’ll create a cool persona for myself, as radio host, in order to really sell the story. I may even decide, if this proves to be easier and take less time than the previous version, to do a string of stories (all scary of course). I think this could turn out to be something very interesting and I know I’ll have a lot of fun doing it.

I will gather my sounds from creative commons websites and use either audacity or audio premiere to edit my story. I will plan to use sound clips from my original version in my new one, because I had some really cool ones and I really am interested in redeeming my past failure.

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