project proposal

For our group project my group was in charge of gentrification awareness and prevention. To create awareness we decided to make a website to highlight major places in Pittsburgh that have been destroyed and replaced with apartment buildings, malls, stores, etc. The problem with this is they are taking away the history Pittsburgh was built on, the history that adds character to this city. We chose three main places that were gentrified in the last 20 years. The first place was the Homestead Works Steel Mill that they turned into the Waterfront. The next was the Mellon Arena that was turned into a parking lot. The last was the Shenley High school which used to be a beautiful building in Oakland that is now being turned into apartment buildings. The biggest problem I found with this project was choosing which historical places to highlight since there are so many important ones in Pittsburgh including but not limited to The Heinz Ketchup Factory, Kaufmanns, and the Macy’s in downtown Pittsburgh. We chose the three we did because they represented 3 different kinds of gentrification. When we made our decision Siobhan and I had to go to the different locations to take pictures. This was very hard for me because I was on crutches the whole week so I had a hard time getting around to the different places. Besides that we were also supposed to take videos of the land marks we were as and after taking my first video I sent it to Anna. Somehow the video did not send to Anna and it was deleted from my phone. Then we decided it would just be better to take the videos off YouTube because they are more educational. It was extremely helpful to have Anna, a professional, on my team because we were able to do a lot more than others. Our project turned from a project to a reality. I think all and all our project turned out very well and it is something we are very interested in pursuing in the future.


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