Audio Preview: Funny The Way It Is

For my soundscape I drew inspiration from one of my all time favorite songs by Dave Matthews Band, “Funny The Way It Is.” The reason I chose this song is because the lyrics talk about so many different occurrences, situations, feelings and actions. When I listen to the song I imagine so many different places and spaces so that is my only concern in using this idea. That being said, I plan on recording someone who I believe has a pretty, light and appropriate voice to be reading the entire song. Not singing, just reading the lyrics. This will be playing the entire time.

Depending on how many different sounds I stick into the recording will decide whether or not I add a variable to the reading. If I plan to do so, I think I would take the person reading the lyrics to Schenley park one day. This is so that the voice will constantly be accompanied by a “woods” feeling; this would be crumbled leaves rolling around, wind gusts, sticks breaking, nuts/other items falling from trees. The reason I would do this is to add a story to the project. Instead of the listener pretending they are actually in all of the different places the lyrics and the sounds that I incorporate indicate, I want the listener to pretend they are in a very peaceful place (the woods) imagining all of the places/ occurrences the lyrics will talk about. This effect could hopefully be accomplished by beginning the recording of just woods noises to set the “place” for the listener, and then start the reading which will include all different noises that you would not actually hear in the woods. The constant voice speaking the lyrics will be much louder than any of the background noises I put onto the track.

For example, here is a lyric from the song: The bomb blast brings the building crashing to the floor/Hear the laughter while the children play war.

I would include a sound recording of something sounding like a bomb blasting after the word floor. Then immediately as the next line starts with “Hear” I would include a recording of little children laughing the whole entire time the line “Hear the laughter while the children play war” is being said.

One of the lines in the song is “Watch the sky, the jet plane so far out of my reach” For this part I am going to use of the classes “created sounds” named rocket. Although jet planes and rockets are not so similar, I will not be getting near any jet planes soon, so I think the rocket engine sound suffices for a jet plane engine sound flying.


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