Author Archives: tbui

Final Project Proposal

So for my final project I will be using only Adobe After Effects. I will also download certain plug-ins for it which include, Twixtor, Twitch, and Magic Bullet Looks. I want to create what is called a “montage” in the gaming community. Basically what this is is a compilation of the best highlights. These highlights may include, what they call a “killfeed”, which is four kills in a row which is extremely hard. I am going to order each clip with level of difficulty. For example, the hardest highlight that is pulled off will be first to start the montage with a bang. The ending will then be the second shot which will also allow the montage to end with a bang. Each clip will be edited separately using a variety of downloadable plug-ins and built in presets.

This project is the perfect timing, because a group of friends had recently asked me to edit something for them. They will be sending me their clips and I will order them in such a way that the user will never lose interest. Furthermore, I will also add music or other sound effects which will also help make the montage even better. Because this is the final project, I will also be using all types of effects that I have learned thus far. I don’t want to tell you right now because it might spoil the surprise though.

Text Preview

For my game, I am going to have it so that you play as a spy. You will have to make decisions that will affect the ultimate ending of the game. For the color scheme of the game, I was going to make a James Bond kind of theme. This would be a nice white gradient with it getting a little bit darker in the center. For the transitions, I was thinking of a very slow, nice transition that would fade in and fade out. This slow transition would allow for a suspenseful transition that keeps the player to be kept on their “toes” sort of speak.

For the font, i would use “007 Golden Eye” which can be downloaded from internet because it is the James Bond font and is the spy kind of text that I want and the font color would always be black. If possible, I am going to add music that is suspenseful in the background. Furthermore, if the player, were to choose a bad decision, there would also be sound effects for that certain choice allowing the player to know that they did something bad. There would also be images, such as of doors or keys to visually show the players what they are doing. For example, in my game the player will have to choose between a gun or a knife. If they choose a knife, the outcome will then have a different picture then if the player chose a gun.

Blog 6

My topic for the group project was about South Oakland. South Oakland is important because it is where all the college students live. Many think that South Oakland is dirty, unsafe, and infested with pests. South Oakland is has also become known as a dirty place. In an article on Pittnews in 2014,  the dirtiness of South Oakland is talked about a lot. For example,  a resident named, Wenger stated stated a problem for the litter is that the trash is “collected on Friday mornings, just after the unofficial beginning of the weekend”. Because most students don’t party until Friday night the trash will again continue to grow on Friday nights and on Saturday nights. In order to prevent this, trash trucks should not pick up the trash until Sunday nights allowing for a cleaner South Oakland.

In order to show how dirty South Oaklands, our group would use Adobe After Effects or Adobe Premiere. We would take videos of South Oakland during the weekends at night or during the day. We would do a before and after comparison, showing what South Oakland should look like and what it looks like at night. Because at night, that is when all the parties begin, one could see just how dirty South Oakland becomes. This is due to all of the parties that are being thrown and all the annoying people littering their beer cans rather than throwing it in the trash.

The Uncle Who Works for Nintendo

The first interesting that happened was when the time shifted to 6:00 pm. There was a slight pause in the game. At first, I just assumed that the game was over which would have been a great disappointment. However, the game continued and there was a time shift from saying bye to your mom which was around 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. I felt that I did not have that much choice in the game as most times I would simply just have to click on one option to continue in the game. However, there were also parts in which there were many options that i could choose from such as when there were five options ranging from “Talk to Ryan” to “Go to the Kitchen”. However, after I went through the options, it would loop me back to the same part of the game. So, after that, I did not feel that I had complete control of the game. Due to this, I did not feel like there were to many particular consequential moments.

The color for the choices were a red-ish maroon, while the normal text was simply black. The background music was a bit creepy which I presumed was meant to add to the suspense of the game. I think it was a very good addition to the game as it made certain parts of the game  a bit creepy and added curiosity and suspense to the game.

Audio Preview

For my audio project, I am planning on creating a story of something that I experienced just last month. In January, I was able to go to see, Kid Cudi(my favorite artist of all time) live for the first time ever at Stage AE. It was one of the greatest memories/experiences in my life and I plan on using it as my example for my soundscape.

I first got this idea by simply by listening to one of my classmates, “Red Bull Can” sound file. After I heard this, I immediately thought of their slogan “Red Bull gives you wings” and thought of something very upbeat and exciting. My soundscape include everything that includes my daily routine on a Friday morning all the way until the time of the concert. The beginning will be all happening in my dorm floor and the rising action will be me getting out of class and anything leading up to the concert. The climax will be the concert itself and the falling action is anything that happens after. And, of course, me sleeping will be the conclusion for the soundscape.This mini-clip that is a part of my post, if the very beginning of my day. You will hear a bed creaking from me getting up and then jumping off my bed.

Red Bull Can

I chose the one that was titled “Red Bull Can”.  I imagine this scene being held in a kitchen, living room, or common area. I see it as someone just getting up after taking a shower, making some food, and eating while opening a red bull to get ready for the day. I see this as somebody getting ready for going out during the night. I can see it as friend coming over later to talk and socialize afterwards. After having a get together, he/she and their friends would go out to a club downtown to have even more fun. This scene would preferably happen before noon. Nobody is speaking and there is no background music. The only over thing I can hear is the moving of the can after it being opened. However, since I imagine it as a social gathering, I would add more noise tracks such as a music track and/or people talking in the background. Specifically, the music and the noises of the people would have to be really loud but not to loud that you couldn’t hear the opening of cans.


The first real audio editing moment that really caught my attention was at 2:50. The word “gone” is obviously edited. Furthermore, right after the person says “gone”, the rest of the sentence is completely cut off. “Gone” is edited by allowing it to echo almost as if it is in a long, dark hallway. It allows the listener to imagine an extremely creepy scenario as if they are there by themselves and left with no answers. What really striked me even more was that, beforehand, there was a lot of noise. There were reporters talking, cameras flashing, and many other things.

The second one i found very interesting was another audio editing at 10:31. It starts with the narrators voice in very dark voice going into a high pitched piano note. Both of these allow for an even more creepy, dark tone. After a couple of seconds, the inaudible audio is cut to an interview that sounds like it is cutting off but has not completely yet. Then after the audio is not even finished yet, it completely cuts out. After the audio is cut out, it is followed by multiple low notes. These notes further add to the extremely creepy, ominous tone of the entire podcast.

Another one that caught my ear was at 16:42 after the girl says “I still see her face everywhere”. The piano is slow and somber. All of the reports are sad and the piano in the background furthermore adds to the sad tone of this section of the podcast. It cuts to many different interviews on what they miss and their reactions to it. Unlike most of the creepy tone of the podcast, this allows for sadness to come in, rather than just the creepy tone of most of the podcast.