Author Archives: tbui

Reflection: Video Game Project

Screen Shot 2016-01-31 at 6.59.30 PM

Composing my remix went exactly how I wanted it go go. I first started by choosing songs that I truly enjoyed listening which came out to Contact – Logic and Burn it Up All Night – Sweet Talker both of which are not Creative commons/public domain. The first picture above is a transition that I created using masking tool in After Effects which can also be done in Premiere. For this “scope transition” one simply crops out the parts they want. For the entire scope, I split it into four quadrants and each one became a separate layer. This allowed me to manipulate the quadrants as I pleased without affecting the other three. This was important to the video because it was probably the best effect I created. It took the most time, and yet it looks fairly simple.


The next picture above was one that looks like a “bubble” forming. This effect, however, can only be done using After Effects. One must use the CC Lens effect in the color correction tab. However, in order to do this one must first duplicate the layer they want the effect on. Afterwards, they keyframe the scale of CC Lens from 0(start) to 500(finish). This was very important because it allows for a very nice, smooth effect. It blended in well with video and added some flare to the remix rather than something very dull.


This last picture is creating my messing with the scale effect which can be done in either After Effects or Premiere. It is simply done by scaling the black bars at the bottom and at the top to a greater percentage i.e 125% instead of 100%. After this, there was also a “pump” effect created for the clip itself. This was also done through the scale effect. Except this time one has to keyframe first at 125% then go down to 100%. The “pump” effect allows the viewer to understand that what just happened was fairly important.

The original versions were extremely different than my remix. They were all separate clips but now are all combined into one video.My favorite part of the video was around the 9 second mark. If you listen closely to the music, all the “pump” effect lines up perfectly with the song. Each strong beat is in sync when the middle part gets larger. My least favorite part was the ending of the remix. This is due to the slow mo at the end. It is extremely sloppy and the frames did not blend well at all together even if I tried to improve the frames per second. Overall, that was the only bad slow mo where the rest was very good.

There are many effects I got to use, but many that I didn’t. For example, my favorite plug-in for After Effects is called Twitch. It allows the user to do an RGB (Red-Gren-Blue) split between a video allowing for a very cool effect. I could have used this and CC Lens at the same time which would have looked even better. Another thing I wished I could have used was CC Tiler. CC Tiler comes as a preset in After Effects, allowing for very cool transitions. However, I could not find anyway to incorporate into my video; therefore, I did not used it. If I were able to revise my video, I would use all of these plugins and hopefully make everything smoother and more entertaining to watch.


Video Project

For my video project, I will be editing footage from the video game series, Call of Duty. I will be using segments from a current video contest and cinematics that will be recorded by me through screen capture. I would like to make a montage of sorts with all of these clips. I want my viewers to be in shock or awe of how good the video compositing and editing is. I will be using two main programs: Adobe Premiere and After Effects. If possible, I will download certain plugins such as twixtor, twitch, Magic Bullet looks, and hopefully RSMB, or Real Smart Motion Blur. These effects help make a video look extremely professional. For example, Magic Bullet looks include flares which are often used by famous director, J.J Abrams or Michael Bay.


The first part of this montage, will include an introduction. The introduction will include cinematics in order for the viewer to get a good grasp of what is going to happen. Furthermore, I have also chosen the song “Atmosphere – The Ropes” to go along with these clips. As for the editing segment, I plan on using Magic Bullet looks for the color correction. Twixtor will allow extremely smooth slow motion especially because the video sources are in 59.94 fps. Next, there will be many “pump” effects occurring throughout the video that are completely in sync with the music. This “pump” effect is achieved through using the scale effect in Premiere or After Effects.


Lastly, besides using plugins I will also be using effects already in After Effects. For example, I will be using directional blur and motion tile. Motion tile will be used for transitions and directional blur will be used for creating a blur effect in combination with the “pump” effect. I have used these effects before, so I will know how to use them as effectively as possible to create an extremely professional video.


Link to sources:!HJMmUDZZ!r9O4DDMYP3_jlLnQo4oZ0Q

Remix post

The original video was around fifteen minutes, but this video was cut to only a minute and forty seconds. It cuts out many of the boring, uninteresting sections and contains only parts where the player receives points and does not repeat any parts of the original video. Rather than just being a recorded gameplay, the editor(BakersTuts) uses many programs to enhance the video.

For the motion tracking at the beginning and end, he used Boujou for the cinematics. The file that had been motion tracked, was then imported into Cinema 4D. In Cinema 4D, the 3D text was created as well as the shadows on the ground.

The second program used was Adobe After Effects. Firstly, he used this program for making the color correction by adjusting the brightness and contrast and a plug-in called Magic Bullet looks. Secondly, at about :13 he uses another plugin called twitch. This allows for a RGB split allowing to create a nice effect which was used throughout the video many times. Thirdly, flares were also added such as at :23. Fourthly, twixtor is used many times. Twixtor allows the editor to slow a section of the video down without dropping the frame rate allowing for a smoother slow motion video. Lastly, Baker used the pan/crop tool many times. This allows for the the editor to scale the video creating what many call a “pump” effect. Though subtle, is is used many more times than any other effects throughout the video.

Due to how different this video is from the original, it is not intended for the same audience. Some people that watch, look for new ideas on how to improve their own editing style. Now rather then being a lengthy video, people can now watch it in a more entertaining way. There are now effects added as well as music.