Class project

The topic that our group chose to focus on is South Oakland, and more specifically the issues in South Oakland. Lets be honest, South Oakland as a whole is one large problem but can be broken down into sub problems which are; Slumlord housing, Dirty streets, traffic and Public safety. The traffic issue, which does not heavily affect the lives of college students, is a major headache that a lot of professionals that work in Oakland have to deal with on a daily basis. This issue does make the news, and has caught the eye of many city officials as a major issue. Transportation engineers have started to develop a Oakland Master Plan for 2025 that totally changes how traffic is managed in order to reduce congestion. Many programs like audacity and premiere could be used to create a sense of congestion and claustrophobia to try and illustrate the pain of sitting in Oakland traffic for hours. Another issue, public safety, has made the headlines of pitt newspapers and many people talk about the high number of assaults that are reported from the south o streets. When walking through south Oakland, the amount of litter and damaged belongings on the sides of the streets is appalling. All the people who live in south Oakland complain about it, but there are programs like PMADD and other community services that go around and clean up South Oakland streets. All these issues can be used by video taping the topics and try to use audio tracks to make the audience seem like they really are in south Oakland, experiencing all these issues first hand, in order to raise awareness of all the problems that need to be taken care of.

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