Extra Credit

There are three extra credit opportunities for this class, all of which add 2 percent to your overall grade. You can complete one of them.

1. Thursday 2/25, 5PM. Steph Ceraso, “Sound Never Tasted So Good,” and Steven Hammer, “Composing with Noise”

2. Tuesday 4/19, 4:30PM, CL 601. Fox Harrell, “Interactive Narrative for Cultural Expression and Critique”

Each of these talks relate to the themes of our class. To get credit, go to one of them, make sure that I see you there, and write ~300 words as a blog post on what you found interesting or relevant to your own composing.

3. Make a display format (involving a CSS sheet and Creative Commons/public domain images) for English’s semesterly Digital Media Showcase. The showcase is April 15, so this is due Friday, April 8 by 11:59PM.