final reflection

I think my final project was the easiest of all the projects. I was going to finish my original twine game but after about 20 minutes of it I realized there will never be an end to it so I decided to just do a new twine game since it would be so much easier to come to an ending. I think I spent about 2 hours all together making the actual game part. It was a lot easier than all the past projects put together, this included when I had to get pictures and videos from the Waterfront, but that was so difficult since I was on crutches and walking around was horribly difficult. Had I been able to walk that would have been the easiest project to complete. Since my final project was so much shorter than my other twine game it was a lot easier to make it seem filled with sounds and pictures. It was a lot easier when I realized how to give numerous options the same ending, that saved me a lot I time that I was able to use to try and figure out how to add sounds and pictures. Surprise surprise I could not figure out how to put either of them into my game. I think I spent three hours trying to figure out how to add sound and pictures to my game. I think the sound was a lot easier to add to the game because it was kind of like building off of using audacity. Sadly with the pictures it was a lot more difficult than the sound. With the sound when I figured out how to do it the first time I was just able to copy and paste the coding in and just delete the specific sound and add in the one I wanted for that page. Sadly with the pictures I just had absolutely no idea how to add the pictures in the first, second, or third time I added in a picture. It reminded me of a test…as soon as I finish one question I forget it to never know the answer again. It frustrated me a lot since I just continued to get confused at the same thing. I was really happy that I stayed for the entirety of class and Kelsey was able to help me add the sounds and pictures. Without her help I probably would not have been able to figure out how to add sounds or pictures and it would have been a very boring twine game…kind of like my first one.

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