
While listening to Limetown, it quickly became obvious that this podcast would not be the same without the use of sound effects. If it was just a person narrating the story, the effects and feel of this podcast would be very different. One particular moment where I thought the sound design was especially well done was the minute from 2:50 to 3:50. At around 2:50 the person speaking says “gone” and the word fades and echos into the distance. This is a very haunting moment followed by another well-done moment. After the narrator says, “The story exploded, gaining international attention”, there is a series of newscasts in different accents and different languages. I like the way these clips overlap with and fade into each other. There are English clips alternated with clips in different languages, because the podcast is in English and the intended audience understands English, this technique allows the listener to understand what is going on in these series of newscasts. After this, the narrator says, “It evaporated back into the 24 hour news cycle” and followed by this is a list of newscasts about different topics. This list is accompanied by background noises that relate with what the narrator is saying. For example, when she says “war in Iraq” there are gunshot noises in the background. After explaining what happened to the story of Limetown, there is complete silence. I think this silence is very powerful and it shows that silence can be as important as sounds. I think this minute as a whole is a great example of the use of sound design through voices, sound effects, and silence.

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