
The first real audio editing moment that really caught my attention was at 2:50. The word “gone” is obviously edited. Furthermore, right after the person says “gone”, the rest of the sentence is completely cut off. “Gone” is edited by allowing it to echo almost as if it is in a long, dark hallway. It allows the listener to imagine an extremely creepy scenario as if they are there by themselves and left with no answers. What really striked me even more was that, beforehand, there was a lot of noise. There were reporters talking, cameras flashing, and many other things.

The second one i found very interesting was another audio editing at 10:31. It starts with the narrators voice in very dark voice going into a high pitched piano note. Both of these allow for an even more creepy, dark tone. After a couple of seconds, the inaudible audio is cut to an interview that sounds like it is cutting off but has not completely yet. Then after the audio is not even finished yet, it completely cuts out. After the audio is cut out, it is followed by multiple low notes. These notes further add to the extremely creepy, ominous tone of the entire podcast.

Another one that caught my ear was at 16:42 after the girl says “I still see her face everywhere”. The piano is slow and somber. All of the reports are sad and the piano in the background furthermore adds to the sad tone of this section of the podcast. It cuts to many different interviews on what they miss and their reactions to it. Unlike most of the creepy tone of the podcast, this allows for sadness to come in, rather than just the creepy tone of most of the podcast.

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