Supply and Demand of Greed

One of today’s political issues is the rising cost of higher education. I will explore the topic from the perspective of greed from both sides of the argument, and leave the viewer with his/her own thoughts to churn through. My video will not take a particular side. Both are to be criticized through perspective. The goal will be to create a negative reaction, creating political tension out of an (hopefully) unbiased video. I see today how politics creates many negative emotions on social media. Users are all too ready to share a video or article supporting their views. I want to create something does not vouch for either side and see if viewers become more opened or closed minded.

I’ll be taking some footage from elementary school’s and overlaying them with political speeches over the last couple decades (or few if needed) and other commentary on the topic. My visuals will come from and, but it’s too early to know exactly where I will be taking audio from.

The video will begin with commentary condemning rising costs of education, since this video will mostly be viewed by college students, and then alternate back and forth with the other side of the aisle.

I would like to make my video seem dark by adding color layers and visual effects to distort images. I do not know how to do this yet so it will be my goal of the project. This desired visual effect layered with commentary will emulate a political ad one might see during an election race to undermine the competition. The goal of these TV ads is to get the viewer to take the stance of the video by making the other side seem incompetent or evil. It usually comes off as cheesy, but I want my video to have the familiarity of a mainstream political ad.

3 thoughts on “Supply and Demand of Greed

  1. primadanah

    I really like the idea behind your video! I also think that they way you describe is looking visually will be very interesting and cool too. I really like how your idea is to show the unbiased effects of education in America. It seems that too many times, people only see one side of a situation or issue and don’t consider all factors as a whole to completely assess their idea behind it. I think this being unbiased and not taking a specific side will be very powerful.

  2. alexismccue

    I like this topic. I definitely have an interest in, or I guess against, the rising costs of higher education. I’d be interested to see if I can generate the type of reaction you want to get out of the viewers and also just to even learn more on the topic.

  3. tbui

    I also really like this topic, as it also is something I am very interested in and directly effects my life. As this class if mostly college students, I could see many people agreeing with the future ad you want to create.

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