Tag Archives: final project proposal

Final Project Proposal

For my final video, I’m going to do a sort of Kanye West tribute video since he’s my favorite artist. I plan on cutting a bunch of clips from YouTube of Kanye West in his music videos, concert performances, television appearances, etc. I would like to put all of these together in Adobe Premiere in a somewhat cohesive manner. Also, I’m going to take the audio from one of his songs and work with it in Audacity as well. In addition to working on one of his songs in Audacity, I was going to record my own voice over the audio on some commentary about Kanye West and who he is as a musician.

I want to keep this at about 2-3 minutes, around the same length as the first Adobe Premiere project. Going along with the first project I’d like to keep clips around 10 seconds, but I may take liberties with the project and make them around 20-30 seconds per clip. In Audacity, I’ll probably just maneuver the volume and work with some of Audacity’s effects to get the sound I think will sound best in the context of the video.

Final Project Proposal: The Roommate, Part II

For my final project, I wanted to create another audio recording. The new piece would expand upon my original idea, adding corrections and taking into account the feedback that I received from the class. Whenever this new project is produced, I will implement all of those alterations, plus add new content that expands the length and scope of what I did before.

With the first submission, substantial cuts were made to limit the size of the project to the required parameters. I hope to make the storyline go beyond the original 4 minute recording to add a conclusion, and will build upon the first version with at least an additional 4 minutes of audio. I will reuse some of the content that was cut to fit within the length of the first submission, implement some of the sounds that were recorded by classmates for the foley portion of the unit, and record new sounds to conclude the scene.

Another point that I hope to tackle with this revised version is to rectify a problem with clarity. As was pointed out before by a few people, the beginning of the recording made it difficult to discern which characters were which, and it was difficult to visualize the setting of the story. With this new version, I will add an introduction that tells the listener more about the setting and characters, as well as their background. This should make the overall presentation flow easier and be better understood.

This expansion is going to require a combination of skills that have been learned over the course of the semester, such as the search and implementation of creative-commons media, recording and audio editing with Audacity. It also incorporates some remixing, because I will be using the original recording material, while recutting it, dubbing over it, and putting a new spin on the content within that project. Overall, my goal is to have something that reuses the original piece but is a vast expansion of it while substantially expanding it beyond the first version.

Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I plan on working with audio. Last time I worked with this medium, I really dropped the ball. I wanted to create a scary story using sounds but only ended up creating a hodge-podge of craziness—it was almost impossible to really understand what was going on. Overall it was a failure. I want to redeem myself by trying to redo this project in a way that would work better.

I plan to keep my original idea of a scary story. This time, however, instead of relying just on the sounds of the setting to tell the story, I think I will use narration. Then I will supplement my narration with scary sounds. I am still debating whether or not to tell the same story I tried before (which I think could be really interesting, especially if I were to compare the two versions at the end) or if I should scratch that idea and make up a new story. Feedback on this would be appreciated.

I plan to structure this remake into a podcast. Something Welcome to the Nightvale inspired. I think I’ll create a cool persona for myself, as radio host, in order to really sell the story. I may even decide, if this proves to be easier and take less time than the previous version, to do a string of stories (all scary of course). I think this could turn out to be something very interesting and I know I’ll have a lot of fun doing it.

I will gather my sounds from creative commons websites and use either audacity or audio premiere to edit my story. I will plan to use sound clips from my original version in my new one, because I had some really cool ones and I really am interested in redeeming my past failure.

Final Project Proposal – Cats

For my final project, I wanted to create something that I would have fun viewing. I decided that this would involve copious amounts of cat gifs. So here goes my pitch. I want to make a text based game in twine that ultimately matches the player with their ideal cat gif. This is something that I would click on if Buzzfeed posted it.  I was not satisfied with any twine games that i have played so far on the internet. Now i\I would not usually say that I could do better in a creative sense, but this once I would like to try and make a better twine game.

I want to focus on the format, layout, and colors of the game for the final project. I want to avoid any annoyances that I experienced in the playing of mine and my classmates games in class. I want to experiment with the different format styles, since I might try to use a different display style. I think it would be interesting to not have the previous text disappear, but display a history and the possibility of changing selections without starting over.

I would also like to try using a variable. I have seen variables used in twine games to give information about the story so far. One game I played was a cat petting simulator that allows you to execute different ways to pet the cat and gives you the cats respective reactions.

My goal for this project is to enjoy the final product, and maybe be proud enough to send it to my friends for their cat viewing pleasure. It might also take another direction entirely since I am so fickle with projects of this nature.

Here is the cat petting simulator if you are interested.  https://neongrey.itch.io/pet-that-cat

Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I want to do a video similar to the one we did for the first project that involves the remixing of different types of videos because I enjoyed doing that. Some of these videos will be creative commons videos and some will be from other sources.

I wanted to make a video that is based on a song, and after looking at creative commons videos I thought it would be a good idea to make this video about different events in history/a development of technology. I’m thinking about centering my video on the song “The Times They Are A-Changin'” by Bob Dylan. I want the video to start with really old archived videos and gradually travel forward in time to the present day. I’m not completely sure if I want to do this, but I am thinking about possibly filming some footage myself and using that at the end of the video to represent the present day.

Or, another idea I have is to use a remix this song called “One Day/Reckoning Song” by the Mojos which is a more upbeat song than the Bob Dylan one, and it deals with the topic of growing old one day. If I were to use this song, I would start the video with footage of babies and kids, and then slowly transition to footage of old people at the end of the video. I would focus on younger people and the video’s statement would be to enjoy life while you’re still young. I’m not sure which of these two songs I want to focus on yet, but I definitely want to work with remixing videos, including creative commons videos, and having my final video be based on one of these two songs.

Final Project Proposal

Thirteen Reasons Why is a book detailing the story of a boy who receives a series of tapes made by a peer of his who recently committed suicide. The peer who made the tapes did so in order to tell her story about the different people and events that eventually led up to her committing suicide. The boy in the story follows a marked map that leads him to various places around town where significant events happen. I thought it would be interesting to record audio of the tapes and make a map set in Pittsburgh rather than the fictional town the story exists in. That way, the tapes could be experienced in real time, adding an extra level of reality to the fictional story. Ideally I would be able to put the audio files and map on a website for listeners to use. I’ll be using both visual mediums (Photoshop, a website builder that has yet to be definitively determined) as well as audio (Audacity). I’m combining audio and, arguably, the concept of remix. I’m using different digital media components to take something that is fictional and in traditional print and making into to reality that takes a different (digital) form. Photoshop will be used to combine different visual media into a map. I decided to set the story in the Oakland area specifically as it’s very walkable, meaning it will be easy for listeners to go from place to place based on where the “tapes” direct. I have already begun trying to make a vague idea of what the map would look like, finding a map of Oakland, trying to make it look worn using layers and different Photoshop brushes and handwritten with certain fonts and vector images. Creating the audio should be relatively simple and not require an extensive amount of editing, primarily it will just be time consuming to take the time to record all of the audio that is needed.

Final Project Proposal

For my final project I will be mixing mediums together on a web design site recommended by Kelsey called Atavist. I will be recreating the few Summers I spent at Hatteras Island in the Outer Banks. Atavist will be the main canvas to build a collage of media, which will include text, a remix video, and photos. The video will be a remix of different videos that include the activities I used to do while at the beach. It will almost replicate a travel commercial, but won’t necessarily include scenery from the Outer Banks, just the activities I did. The photos will include the actual beach landscape from Creative Commons Sources and will serve to compliment the video and text. The text will be pieces of non-fiction I have written/will write about the outer banks or the activities I used to do.

My final project will serve as a creative expression with web design as well as a redo of my favorite project from the semester. I really enjoyed making the video, and I think I can reuse my most successful techniques to make the video really fun to watch. I also won’t be trying to have an agenda like I did with he last video, so I hopefully won’t make the same mistakes with lame/off-beat clips. I’m going to put the video to the sound of the song “Amber”, by 311. It was my ultimate beach Summer song, so this web page is going to be a nostalgia bomb.

I’m hoping the progression of the webpage will be in the timeline of a typical day at the beach, which included waking up late, skim boarding in the morning, lunch, long boarding to the surf shop and local gas station for candy, and then ice cream in the evening before stargazing at night.

Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I want to utilize Creative Commons and remixing as a part of my project. I would preferably like to do this within photoshop and not Adobe Premier. As much as I enjoyed learning Adobe Premier, Audacity, and Twine, I’m not as familiar with photoshop and would like to use this as a jumpstart to learning the program.

For the base of my project, I want to find Creative Commons photos from the 50s, or any other older decade, and remix the image to convey a different idea than what is being portrayed. I would like to utilize modern technology and work it into the photo as to how they would use the technology then. I think this would be a good way to show how far we’ve come with our technology and how our ideals now are so different than what they were 50 years ago. For example, one idea I had was using something like a selfie stick and incorporating it into a photo from the 40s or 50s and show how vain, in a sense, our society has become in the past few decades and how much importance we put on what our self worth is. It would also be interesting to give an insight on what people in the past would think about the technology we have now and what they would first thing it was used for.

Overall, I really want to use the remixing that we did with the first project. I enjoyed that project the most out of the three and like the idea of taken a piece of media and changing the meaning behind it and turning it into something new. I think using photoshop to do this can be a very effective part in the meaning of the photo.