Tag Archives: prompts

Prompt: Text Preview

The text preview is a description of one design element you’re incorporating into your game and how you see it contributing to the experience of gameplay. So, you might talk about color, font, animation, sound, image, video: anything you’re bringing into your game that visually or aurally shapes how your reader encounters the narrative. Be sure to talk about the reasoning behind your design choice – how you see this element helping to make your scary story scary, for example.

The preview should be ~300 words, and is due Sunday 3/27 by 11:59PM. Post it to the blog tagged “text preview.”

Prompt: Blog 6

For this post, start thinking about your group project. What issue have you chosen, and why is it important? Who is currently talking about it (does it make the city paper, for example, or your Facebook newsfeed) and what are they saying? What approach(es) to this issue might your group take, and what form of media might you use? What’s your end goal? You don’t have to answer all of these questions, but consider them as you begin work on your project.

Each member of the group should post their own blog. Be sure to coordinate so that you’re not all writing about the same aspect of the project. Blog 6 should be ~300 words, and is due Sunday 3/20 by 11:59PM.

Prompt: Blog 5

For this post, write about a moment (or several moments) that you found interesting in a Twine game. Some questions to consider: when do you notice having to choose your path through the story? Do any moments of choice feel particularly consequential? How do the games incorporate sound and image, and what do these elements add to the experience of playing? Do you notice color or font choice? Effects or transitions? Blog 5 should be ~300 words, and is due Sunday, 3/13 by 11:59PM.

Prompt: Premiere Tutorial

The tutorial is a description of one skill you learned or used in Premiere while making your remix, geared toward helping someone else learn it. The default format is step-by-step instructions and screenshots (like in the tutorial I made), but if you think something else would work better for your chosen skill feel free to experiment. Your tutorial is due on the blog before class Wednesday, 2/3. Tag it “tutorial.”

Blog 1 Prompt: Remix Examples

For your first blog post, find one example of remix and describe it. If we define remix as a creative reworking of an existing media object, what source media is your chosen remix derived from? How does it transform that source media’s meaning? Does it cut parts out? Repeat things? Bring in elements from other media objects? Does it feel intended for an audience different from the original source material’s? If you need inspiration, Lessig goes through several examples of remix in this week’s reading, and Top 40 radio is a common breeding ground for them, too (think a club version of a popular song).

Your post should be around 300 words, tagged with “blog 1: remix”. Please embed your remix into your post – like with .gifs, you do this with the “add media” button.