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My game is entitled SCNT Corporate. As a “choose your own adventure” game, it will have a several alternate paths for the player. In these paths, the player must choose unconsciously whether to be the person who solves the mystery in the office or if they are the one being chased within the story. As an employee of this mysterious corporation, the player begins in the break room of a corporate warehouse and encounters an emergency during the course of her/his day. Setting is the most important aspect of my game. Without being able to actually show the space as in a real video game, the text must move the player through the warehouse. The player moves through several spaces throughout the course of the game and this aspect might end up being a little disorienting for the player. The one design element I would like to incorporate is a changing color background to signify that the player is moving from room to room. For example, the break room will have a background gray color and the inside of the air vent will have a background color of black. In a way, this will incorporate a sense of space and lighting for the player. This element will hopefully convey what kind of danger they are in. For example, the player in the air vent may not be able to see their surroundings/if they are being followed. Most of all, by color coding the rooms, this may be a helpful tool for the player to remember that they have previously been in a room and that they must remember earlier clues they received. While my main focus of this game is the creation of the text of the game, I would still like the game to be more of an experience than just a simple read through story.

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