Video Project Proposal

After careful consideration of topics that I would what to show the world, I realized there is no better topic for me then climate change. As to what aspects of climate change I will focus on, I will just have to see where the project takes me.

I considered what types of media I would use. I do have a favorite informational video on why we (the United States) need to address environmental concerns. I would use pieces of his audio with different video that paints a more vivid image. Ultimately I need people to stop denying climate change because it is easier to swallow. This idea is from Big Oil pushing their best interest on our economy, by brainwashing the people.

Here is the link to the above mentioned video:

I would want to focus on videos of the earth in different stages. Mostly utilizing the slice feature of premiere and moving clips and audio around.

The message I would like to get across in this piece is the danger that we pose to our ecosystem, and in turn ourselves. I have always believed in this quote:

“A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers but borrowed from his children.” -Audubon

The quote really spoke to me. I think about future generations, even my future offspring living in a different world than us, since we ruined this one. They should get to enjoy the beauty of the earth in the same way that we do. We should learn from the past generations, and see that the trajectory of their decisions is heading in a dire direction. I’m glad I will have a chance to create the message I want to portray to my audience.


2 thoughts on “Video Project Proposal

  1. jmg202

    I think the idea is solid and that there is plenty of video footage out there for this. Have you considered taking clips from different new stations such as NBC, FOX, or CSPAN and try to highlight how these issues consume a lot of the available airtime on nationwide networks? Perhaps thats one way to go if you need any ideas or footage for extra time.

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