Video proposal

For my video I want to make a sort of introduction or a sort of showcase for mixed martial arts and other fighting sports in general. As someone who has been involved in martial arts for a very large majority of his life I feel like they are in general both misunderstood and not as popular as they really should be. Fighting and martial arts in general is something I have a lot of respect for and would like to share with everyone. Most people see martial arts as dangerous and fear it but the truth is that practicing it is not limited to lessons about the body and require and very honed intelligence to be able to use as well.

The goal of this video is to get them excited about combat sport so that maybe they will go out and watch it so that maybe someday it can become as popular as basketball or any of the other major sports in the country. It takes a lot of training effort and intelligence to become a fighter and I want other people to see that as well. In my eyes those who fight in the UFC and related circuits are much more deserving of celebration than any other athlete because of the harsh qualifications to become a good fighter.

I plan to use to find the majority of my audio as well as and for the majority of my video files. Anything I need that can’t be found there will be taken from or the much safer option of YouTube.

I don’t plan on using many effects while editing my video other than the standard cut and move functions. I may decide later in the project to use some sort of transitions between scenes and also maybe some touch ups just to change lighting effects and make something look just a little better.


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