Video Remix Proposal

For my remixed video project, I decided to take two, maybe three videos, and use Adobe Premier to remix them. My main video will focus around the video “Dear Fat People”, which went viral this past year. The video focuses around a woman who calls herself a “comedian” who essentially made a 6 minutes video going on about how terrible fat people are and how lazy, gross, and dirty they are. The video received a lot of negative backlash, and in my opinion for good reason, and the woman refused to apologize for the video because she explained how the video was simply satire. And while I completely understand and appreciate comedy and crude humor, I still believe that making crude jokes about people who have a serious issue with their bodies and with food is really uncalled for, especially if it’s a situation that one person has never been through. So, I want to take that video, and add in clips of larger people dancing and contradicting the exact ideas and statements that the woman conveyed throughout the video. I think this will flip the meaning of the video against the woman who made it and prove that just because someone’s body is different than your own, that is doesn’t qualify that person as lazy or dirty or messy. I think there can be a really interesting juxtaposition between the videos used to convey an entirely different message that the woman did not intend to be conveyed. Overall, the elements for the making this remixed video are simple and the idea behind it is very simple. I think with that though, that some of the more simpler elements and ideas behind something can bring a large and impactful message.

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