“Your Grammar Sucks” by jacksfilms

“Your Grammar Sucks” is a popular YouTube series created by Jack Douglass of jacksfilms. It can be considered a remix in that the host takes comments written by many different people across the internet on various social media sites and reads them to show how grammar errors can change a sentence dramatically, along with original commentary by the host.

The comments shown in the videos are taken out of context and all contain grammatical errors which range from a simple misplacement of a letter in a word to comments written solely using special characters (such as the ampersand or dollar sign) and numbers. Most of the time this grammatical error will change the meaning of the comment from what was originally intended by the original poster. The host changes the way he reads the comment in a way such that it further alters the meaning of the comment to either emphasize the importance of correct grammar or to increase the entertainment value.

Some comments have parts cut out so as to focus only on the parts of it that are grammatically wrong and contain necessary context. This is done to keep the focus of the video more on the grammar side of the comment as opposed to what the commenter was talking about.

The remix of these comments changes the audience from what may have been originally intended. The original source’s audience was intended to be the people who would have normally seen their posts and comments (such as close friends and family) on whatever social media site it was originally posted on, while the remixes are intended for those who find grammar mistakes comical, predominantly the young adult and teenage demographics.

These videos are very popular across YouTube. This popularity has driven Jack to create a number of spin-offs of the series based on the original format such as rap songs and skits. Hopefully, this popularity has spurred a decrease in the number of simple grammatical errors posted across the internet.

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