Final Project Video Idea

i would rather swim to japan than write a huge paper, so i have chosen to do some sort of video instead. i would like to talk about how video games are a the next step in media, and how theyre under appreciated by people outside of the gaming community. they are a very strong and valid form of media, taking everything from a movie and making it interactive. giving someone control over the the pace, content, direction of the story simply makes video games the best technical form of media of all time. on top of giving the players the ability to interact with the finished game, modders and other starting game developers can use the same game and ideas to create something new, or expand on whats already been laid out using the same tools that the original had. its a very unique and beautiful thing that hasnt really been possible until now. i also want to talk about the underlying things that some people dont talk about or think of, like the little things in games that take it to the next level. for example, putting effort into art style and design rather than just pure graphics and resolution.  of course, one thing that i really see as a challenge for this is the “acting”, or possibly voice over that i would do. i hate being on camera/mic, so i might just end up typing a paper in the end anyway for the simple fact that i hate how i look and sound too much to put into any relevant form of media.

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