For my final project I plan on making a creative “fan fiction” based on the Avengers. Age of Ultron specifically. I have never written a fan fiction before but after seeing Age of Ultron, the character and story of Scarlet Witch really interested me. I had an idea for an emotional story that takes place after Quicksilver’s death. In the film, she reacted very powerful way and I plan on adding to that. She immediately killed every Ultron robot around her in the aftermath because of her anger. I wanted to delve deeper in to her reaction of her brother’s death. The story would involve, without spoiling too much, how she is dealing with this day to day within herself. The pair were inseparable, so clearly one half without the other will cause some emotional turmoil for her. I will display (my own idea) of how she is dealing with it, and won’t turn out so pretty. I thought this would be a good way of personally testing out the section of fandom, our second unit. This obviously deals with Joss Whedon, as it is within his Avengers world. Whedon’s fan base is big in the fan creation world, so I thought it would be interested adding my own work into that. I shouldn’t have much trouble taking the idea in my head and translating it paper. It’s a story i’m very excited to write so I think it will be a fun experience not only or class but as a personal project.